


罗马计划为这个问题提供了多种答案. 虽然只是有限的 number of courses are offered in Rome, all of them are designed to maximize a student's understanding of the roots and development of European civilization. 一些课时 take place within the four walls of UD's Due Santi campus, while others are held on 考古遗址和博物馆. 有些课程致力于高强度和 intimate understanding of the Roman and Italian experience through the ages, while others explore a wider spectrum of themes and issues inherent to the growth and development 西方文明. 学术游览,访问讲座,和两个实质性的 group trips - one to Greece and the other through Northern Italy - round out the rich 提供的学术课程.

The classes on the Rome campus are designed both to fit seamlessly into the core curriculum, required of all UD students, and to take full advantage of the unique setting in which 他们被教导. 由特拉华大学教授授课,课程从这些核心课程中挑选 curriculum requirements which are closely concerned with the philosophical, theological, political, literary and artistic development 西方文明.

Students returning from the Rome Semester typically describe their academic experiences 热情洋溢地说. "It is the place," they say, "where UD's 核心课程 came together 对我来说." The success of the academic program in Rome comes down to two fundamental things: first, superior teaching; and second, the combination of reading great books and seeing firsthand some of the world's most historic places and most extraordinary 艺术和建筑作品.


核心课程 额外一学分课程(可能有所不同) 额外三门学分课程(可能有所不同)
ENG 2311:文学传统III 麻省理工学院1101:意大利文化与对话(“意大利语生存”) 麻省理工学院1302:一年级意大利语II(春季)
他的2301:西方文明1 GST 1106:马里诺志愿者项目 麻省理工学院2311:二年级意大利语I(秋季)
PHI 2323:人 GST 1V40:马里诺剧院项目(春季) 麻省理工2312:第二年意大利语II(春季) 
第2311课:西方神学传统 CLL 3V50:拉丁文阅读(春季) CLG 3325:希腊历史学家(春季)
ART 2311:艺术 & 罗马建筑    



The Summer Rome Program has three session options, “Summer 1”, “Summer 2,” and "Summer 3."

Students in Session 1 and 2 will take 6 credits while students enrolled in session 3 .修12学分. 

课程 会议提供 课程日期
西方文明I 第一及第三节 5月14日- 7月8日
西方神学传统 第一及第三节 5月14日- 7月8日
艺术与建筑 第二和第三部分 6月21日- 8月7日
文学传统三 第二和第三部分 6月21日- 8月7日




希腊之旅是罗马学期的亮点之一. 这是一次为期十天的旅行 that takes students to some of the greatest cities and the richest sites of the ancient world, including Delphi, Athens, Corinth, Mycenae, Epidaurus and Olympia. 这项研究 of 古希腊 constitutes one of the cornerstones of UD's unique undergraduate 教育及核心课程. 罗马大学的希腊之旅又带来了这些研究 生活.

The Rome curriculum immerses students in the world of Ancient Greek art, literature, history and philosophy during the first weeks of the semester, prior to their study 古罗马、中世纪和文艺复兴时期. 在第五或第六周 the Rome Semester, the 希腊之旅 is timed to coincide with this early phase of their studies and as such it represents the culmination of every student's encounter with 古希腊. 除了关注遥远的过去,这次旅行还提供 participants the opportunity to become more familiar with Modern Greek culture and 社会通过一些预定的音乐和舞蹈活动.

UD professors lead 这次旅行, offering in-depth lectures on site and organizing student 沿途的表演和特色文化活动. 超过三十年的集体 experience in Greece has made the 希腊之旅 a superb travel and learning experience.


The 意大利北部之旅 marks a significant turning point in the Rome Semester. 这 seven-day trip includes overnight stays in three of Europe's most historic cities--Florence, 威尼斯和亚西西. 课程按顺序安排在学期的最后几周 to take advantage of a natural period of transition in the semester's curriculum. 古希腊 and Rome now make room for the birth of Christianity, the Middle Ages, 文艺复兴和现代世界的觉醒. 北意大利之旅是 这是充分探索这些时期的完美方式. 讲座,有导游的散步, museum visits and generous amounts of free time for independent exploration are the keys to bringing the great historic and artistic treasures of these Medieval and Renaissance 城市活着. Essentially, the 意大利北部之旅 invites students to turn their full attention to the historic shift-culturally, politically and religiously-from 从古代到现代.

Unparalleled 艺术和建筑作品 from the Middle Ages and Renaissance are 这是这次旅行的主要内容. 参观世界一流的博物馆,如乌菲齐美术馆和学院美术馆 of Florence or the Doges' Palace in Venice bring students into direct contact with 欧洲历史上许多伟大的大师. 这次行程还包括参观 圣. 弗朗西斯在阿西西.

Another attraction of 这次旅行 is its focus on Roman Catholic thought and the larger 它所处的欧洲知识传统. St. 阿西西的弗朗西斯和 Dante hold a prominent place in that tradition, as do Machiavelli, Ficino and Leonardo. Memorials to these and other historic figures are still visible today for students intent upon returning to the roots of Europe's intellectual history.

Southern Italy is full of history, cultural heritage and stunning natural landscapes. A three-day trip takes the students along Italy’s southern coast into Campania and 然后去普利亚.  他们在导游的带领下参观了古代和考古奇观 Pompeii and Paestum as well as the National Archeological Museum of Naples. 在一起 with faculty, students explore Positano and Amalfi, while enjoying a magnificent boat 沿着海岸骑行. 在普利亚的最后一站是圣. 皮奥神父总结道 这次旅行. 

What is it about Rome that draws the viewer, the spectator, the student, the tourist, 移居国外的人和朝圣者? 为什么古人相信所有的大道 止于台伯河的拐弯处? 为什么中世纪的罗马人相信 他们住在永恒之城? 文艺复兴时期的罗马人为什么如此勇敢地奋斗 复兴古老的艺术和知识? 过去和现在是如何错综复杂地交织在一起的 造就了当代世界上最迷人的城市之一?

These questions are addressed on site tours on all and the subject of ART 2311:艺术 and Architecture in Rome, a course offered each semester on the 波胆网站 Rome campus and designed to help students understand both the present-day city in 他们在过去的罗马度过了一个学期. 古代,中世纪,文艺复兴, 巴洛克和现代罗马是这门课程的主题.

The class meets twice a week: once each week it meets in the classroom to discuss broad historical trends that provide the context for Rome's monuments of art and architecture, and once a week students go to Rome to exercise art historical methodologies in local 博物馆、教堂和考古遗址.

Among the sites often visited as part of this course are the following:

  • 罗马广场
  • 卡比托利欧博物馆
  • 罗马圆形大剧场
  • 梵蒂冈博物馆
  • 博尔盖塞画廊
  • 圣克莱门特教堂、圣科斯坦萨教堂和阿涅塞教堂